
16U Girls (Rachke)

The Week Ahead

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon

Team Feed


Amanda Rachke

6 months ago

Hello all,

As you know, the girls mark their availability on Crossbar for practices and games. Next week, there will be consequences starting if not everyone is marked. There are a few girls who I have spoken to who do not have the app on their phone or are not set up on it yet, so I want to make sure everyone is in good shape going into next week practices. Parents, if you could please make sure you daughters are registered on crossbar by going to the app>u16 girls team>the 3 line menu button on the top right of the screen>participants>your name. If you do not see your daughters name, please use the "invite user" button to invite them. Please let me know if you hare having any issues with this. Thank you!

Girls, be ready and dressed appropriately for dryland on Monday. Have a good weekend!


Amanda Rachke

7 months ago

Hello all,

I just want to clarify one thing we went over at the meeting last night. Next week practice on September 4th there will be NO pre-practice off ice or video. The girls will just need to be there and prepared to skate 7:00-8:20, then we will have a team meeting in the locker room afterwards. We will go over the off ice and video schedule going forward, and all of that will be added in the Crossbar schedule


Amanda Rachke
Head Coach

Sara Brown
Team Manager
(616) 635-1405

Tae Otte
Assistant Coach

Angie Schulz
Assistant Coach

Sammy Williams
Assistant Coach

Christopher Campbell
Assistant Coach

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