Off Season Strength and Conditioning

Week 1

Superset #1: Vertical Power 

  1. Split Squat into return stance: 3 Sets of 3 per leg (no rest)
  2. Quarter Squats into Squat Jump: 3 Sets of 8 (90s rest between sets)

Superset #2: Horizontal Power

  1. Broad Jump: 3 Sets of 6 Jumps
  2. Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 Sets of 8 per side

Superset #3: Kinetic Chain

  1. Lateral Reaching Lunge: 4 Sets of 5 per leg (no rest)
  2. Mountain Climber Burpee: 4 Sets of 4 (90s rest between sets)

Week 2

  1. Warm Up:
  2. 3 Sets of 40 yard Jog (45 seconds rest between sets)
  3. Horizontal Crossover Step into Sprint:
  4. 8 Sets of 25 yards (45 seconds rest between sets)
  5. 5-10-15 yard Suicide Runs
  6. 4 Sets (45 seconds rest between sets)
  7. Plank Super Set
  8. 4 Sets of 30s Left Foot in the air (0 seconds rest)
  9. 4 Sets of 30s Right Foot in the air (60 seconds rest)

*1 set = 1 minute (30s left, then 30s right, then rest)

Week 3

This office workout is a good one fora all age levels because there are no weights or props involved. You can do this in a relatively small space too. In this workout you will do all six exercises listed below one after the other with minimal rest between exercises. After you complete all 6 exercises you will rest for 90 seconds and then do them all again. Do the entire series 3 times. For specific instructions on each exercise be sure to watch the video above.

  1. Split Squat Jumps: 3 sets of 3 per leg
  2. Prisoner Reverse Lunges: 3 sets of 5 per leg
  3. Flutter Kicks: 3 sets of 10 per leg
  4. Broad Jumps: 3 sets of 6
  5. Prison Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 5 per leg 
  6. Plank with Elbow to knee touches: 3 sets of 10 per side

Week 4

Set A x 3, no rest in between exercises, 90 secs between sets

Yoga Push Ups x 10

YTWs 10 reps each letter

X ups 10 reps per side

Set B x 3, no rest in between exercises, 90 secs between sets

Pike Push ups x 10

Reverse Snow Angles x 10

Renegade Row x 10

The Finisher: Pushup Bird Dog x 10 each leg

Week 5

Superset #1: Vertical Power 

  1. Split Squat into return stance: 3 Sets of 3 per leg (no rest)
  2. Quarter Squats into Squat Jump: 3 Sets of 8 (90s rest between sets)

Superset #2: Horizontal Power

  1. Broad Jump: 3 Sets of 6 Jumps
  2. Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 Sets of 8 per side

Superset #3: Kinetic Chain

  1. Lateral Reaching Lunge: 4 Sets of 5 per leg (no rest)
  2. Mountain Climber Burpee: 4 Sets of 4 (90s rest between sets)

Week 6

  1. Warm Up:
  2. 3 Sets of 40 yard Jog (45 seconds rest between sets)
  3. Horizontal Crossover Step into Sprint:
  4. 8 Sets of 25 yards (45 seconds rest between sets)
  5. 5-10-15 yard Suicide Runs
  6. 4 Sets (45 seconds rest between sets)
  7. Plank Super Set
  8. 4 Sets of 30s Left Foot in the air (0 seconds rest)
  9. 4 Sets of 30s Right Foot in the air (60 seconds rest)

*1 set = 1 minute (30s left, then 30s right, then rest)

Week 7

This office workout is a good one fora all age levels because there are no weights or props involved. You can do this in a relatively small space too. In this workout you will do all six exercises listed below one after the other with minimal rest between exercises. After you complete all 6 exercises you will rest for 90 seconds and then do them all again. Do the entire series 3 times. For specific instructions on each exercise be sure to watch the video above.

  1. Split Squat Jumps: 3 sets of 3 per leg
  2. Prisoner Reverse Lunges: 3 sets of 5 per leg
  3. Flutter Kicks: 3 sets of 10 per leg
  4. Broad Jumps: 3 sets of 6
  5. Prison Forward Lunges: 3 sets of 5 per leg 
  6. Plank with Elbow to knee touches: 3 sets of 10 per side

Week 8

Set A x 3, no rest in between exercises, 90 secs between sets

Yoga Push Ups x 10

YTWs 10 reps each letter

X ups 10 reps per side

Set B x 3, no rest in between exercises, 90 secs between sets

Pike Push ups x 10

Reverse Snow Angles x 10

Renegade Row x 10

The Finisher: Pushup Bird Dog x 10 each leg

Week 9

Superset #1: Vertical Power 

  1. Split Squat into return stance: 3 Sets of 3 per leg (no rest)
  2. Quarter Squats into Squat Jump: 3 Sets of 8 (90s rest between sets)

Superset #2: Horizontal Power

  1. Broad Jump: 3 Sets of 6 Jumps
  2. Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 Sets of 8 per side

Superset #3: Kinetic Chain

  1. Lateral Reaching Lunge: 4 Sets of 5 per leg (no rest)
  2. Mountain Climber Burpee: 4 Sets of 4 (90s rest between sets)

Week 10

  1. Warm Up:
  2. 3 Sets of 40 yard Jog (45 seconds rest between sets)
  3. Horizontal Crossover Step into Sprint:
  4. 8 Sets of 25 yards (45 seconds rest between sets)
  5. 5-10-15 yard Suicide Runs
  6. 4 Sets (45 seconds rest between sets)
  7. Plank Super Set
  8. 4 Sets of 30s Left Foot in the air (0 seconds rest)
  9. 4 Sets of 30s Right Foot in the air (60 seconds rest)

*1 set = 1 minute (30s left, then 30s right, then rest)

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