16U (Midget) A Tryout Registration is Open

16U (Midget) A Tryout Registration is now live.

Tryout 1: 4/14/25 8:30pm-9:30pm @ PIC West

Tryout 2: 4/15/25 8:30pm-9:30pm @ PIC East

Click here to register for tryouts!

[IMPORTANT] The team selected during tryouts will serve as the Spring and Fall Season Team, there will be no tryouts for 16U in May like there has in previous years.

Games for the 16U A Season can now start as early as August 1, 2025 with District and State Championships taking place in late October. Teams will compete in the LCAHL leagues as normal for the remainder of the season.

We are working with the Coaches to get team schedule and budget information out as quickly as possible and will follow up as it becomes available. In the meantime, if there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us.